
Windwalker DI is a dependency injection tools, it provides an IoC container to manage objects and dependencies.

We also support service provider to help developers build their service in a universal interface.

In 4.x, Windwalker DI has been totally rewrote.


Install via composer

composer require windwalker/di ^4.0

Use in Windwalker

Dependency Injection

DI Container is part of Windwalker, you don't need to use it directly. You can inject it in any service or custom class.

class MyClass 
    public function __construct(protected FooService $fooService) 

Then, register it to etc/di.php:

    // ...

        'bindings' => [

Now, you can inject your class in View or Controller:

class DashboardController
    public function index(MyClass $myClass)

Directly use Container

If you want to directly use Container, you can inject itself.

use \Windwalker\DI\Container;

class DashboardController
    public function index(Container $container)
        $fooService = $container->get(FooService::class);

Or use AppContext, it is a container wrapper:

use \Windwalker\Core\Application\AppContext;

class DashboardController
    public function index(AppContext $app)
        $fooService = $app->make(FooService::class);

Use as Standalone Component

If you want to use Container without Windwalker core, just create it.

$container = new \Windwalker\DI\Container();

$container->share(MyClass::class, new MyClass());

$myClass = $container->get(MyClass::class);
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