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PHP8 Attributes decorator component.

Write Your Own Attribute Handlers

Object & Classes

This is a Decorator example:

use Windwalker\Attributes\AttributeHandler;
use Windwalker\Attributes\AttributeInterface;
#[\Attribute(\Attribute::TARGET_CLASS | Attribute::IS_REPEATABLE)]
class Decorator implements AttributeInterface
    protected string $class;
    protected array $args = [];
    public function __construct(string $class, ...$args)
        $this->class = $class;
        $this->args = $args;
    public function __invoke(AttributeHandler $handler): callable
        return fn (...$newInstanceArgs) => new ($this->class)($handler(...$newInstanceArgs), ...$this->args); 

There are 2 methods can decorate object or class.

  • decorateObject(object $object): object
  • createObject(string $class, ...$args): object

If you call decorateObject($object), the $handler(<void>) will only return object which you sent into.

And if you call createObject($class, ...$args), the $handler(...$args) will create object by the class and pass ...$args to constructor.

Then, use your own function wrap it, all handlers will be a callback stack and called after all attributes processed.


use Windwalker\Attributes\AttributesResolver;
use Windwalker\Attributes\AttributeType;

#[\Decorator(\Component::class, ['template' => 'foo.php'])]
class Foo 

$attributes = new AttributesResolver();

// Work on Class and Object
$attributes->registerAttribute(\Decorator::class, AttributeType::CLASSES);

// Decorate existing object
$component = $attributes->decorateObject($object);

// Create object from class and decorate it.
$component = $attributes->createObject(\Foo::class, ...$args);

Use Custom Object Builder

If you want to integrate with some Container packages, please set custom object builder.

$attributes->setBuilder(function (string $class, ...$args) use ($container) {
    return $container->createObject($class, ...$args);

TODO: Support custom call() handler.

Functions & Methods

Functions & Methods type will not return anything, use this type to determine attributes exists and do something else. This is an example to register methods to another object.

use Windwalker\Attributes\AttributeHandler;
use Windwalker\Attributes\AttributeInterface;
#[\Attribute(\Attribute::TARGET_METHOD | \Attribute::IS_REPEATABLE)]
class ListenTo implements AttributeInterface
    public function __construct(protected string $event) 
    public function __invoke(AttributeHandler $handler): callable
        return function () use ($handler) {
            $provider = $handler->getResolver()->getOption('provider');
            $listener = $handler();
            return $listener;

The $handler() will just return method callable array [$object, 'method_name''] or function name.

use Windwalker\Attributes\AttributesResolver;
use Windwalker\Attributes\AttributeType;
class Subscriber 
    public function foo()
$attributes = new AttributesResolver();
$attributes->registerAttribute(\ListenTo::class, AttributeType::METHODS | AttributeType::FUNCTIONS);
$attributes->resolveMethods(new \Subscriber());


An example to control HTTP allow methods and Json Response.

use Windwalker\Attributes\AttributeHandler;
use Windwalker\Attributes\AttributeInterface;
#[\Attribute(\Attribute::TARGET_METHOD | \Attribute::TARGET_FUNCTION)]
class Method implements AttributeInterface
    protected array $allows = [];
    public function __construct(string|array $allows = [])
        $this->allows = array_map('strtoupper', (array) $allows);
    public function __invoke(AttributeHandler $handler): callable
        return function ($request, $reqHandler) use ($handler) {
            if (!in_array($request->getMethod(), $this->allows, true)) {
                throw new \RuntimeException('Invalid Method', 405);
            // You can change parameters here.
            $res = $handler($request, $reqHandler);
            // You can also modify return value.
            return $res;
use Windwalker\Attributes\AttributeHandler;
use Windwalker\Attributes\AttributeInterface;
#[\Attribute(\Attribute::TARGET_METHOD | \Attribute::TARGET_FUNCTION)]
class Json implements AttributeInterface
    public function __invoke(AttributeHandler $handler): callable
        return function ($request, $reqHandler) use ($handler) {
            $res = $handler($request, $reqHandler);
            $res = $res->withHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json');
            return $res;

The $handler(...$args) in callable attributes is to call the target callable, we can change/validate parameters or modify the return value.


use Windwalker\Attributes\AttributesResolver;
use Windwalker\Attributes\AttributeType;
class Controller 
    public function index():Response
        return new Response();
$attributes = new AttributesResolver();
$attributes->registerAttribute(\Method::class, AttributeType::CALLABLE);
$attributes->registerAttribute(\Json::class, AttributeType::CALLABLE);
// Call
$jsonResponse = $attributes->call(
    [new \Controller(), 'index'], // Callable 
    [$request, 'handler' => $resHandler], // Args should be array, support php8 named arguments
    [?object $context = null] // Context is an object wll bind as this for the callable, default is NULL. 


An example to handler parameters to upper case

use Windwalker\Attributes\AttributeHandler;
use Windwalker\Attributes\AttributeInterface;
class Upper implements AttributeInterface
    public function __invoke(AttributeHandler $handler): callable
        return fn () => strtoupper((string) $handler());

The $handler() in parameter attributes is to simply get parameter values, you can modify this value and return it.

use Windwalker\Attributes\AttributesResolver;
use Windwalker\Attributes\AttributeType;
class Http 
    public static function request(
        string $method,
        mixed $data = null,
        array $options = []
    ) {
        // $method should always upper case.
$attributes = new AttributesResolver();
$attributes->registerAttribute(\Upper::class, \Attribute::TARGET_PARAMETER);
// Decorate existing object
$jsonResponse = $attributes->call([\Http::class, 'request'], ['POST', 'foo=bar']);


This is an example to handle all properties of an object.

use Windwalker\Attributes\AttributeHandler;
use Windwalker\Attributes\AttributeInterface;
class Wrapper implements AttributeInterface
    public function __invoke(AttributeHandler $handler): callable
        /** @var $ref ReflectionProperty */
        $ref = $handler->getReflector();
        // Since php8 supports union type, we should get first exists class type as possible type.
        $type = ReflectionHelper::getFirstExistsClassType($ref);
        $class = $type->getName();
        return fn () => new $class($handler());

The $handler() in properties attributes is to simply get property values, you can modify this value and return it. No matter these properties are public or protected, AttributesResolver will force set value into it.


use Windwalker\Attributes\AttributesResolver;
use Windwalker\Attributes\AttributeType;
$object = new class {
    protected ?Collection $options = null;
$attributes = new AttributesResolver();
$attributes->registerAttribute(\Wrapper::class, \Attribute::TARGET_PROPERTY);
$object = $attributes->resolveProperties($object);

Released under the MIT License.