
About AttributeHandler

AttributeHandler is the only parameter of our attribute processor.

use Windwalker\Attributes\AttributeHandler;
use Windwalker\Attributes\AttributeInterface;
class MyAttribute implements AttributeInterface
    public function __invoke(AttributeHandler $handler): callable
         * $ref can be:
         * @see \ReflectionObject for classes type 
         * @see \ReflectionClass  for classes type
         * @see \ReflectionFunctionAbstract for callable type
         * @see \ReflectionParameter for parameters type
         * @see \ReflectionProperty for properties type
        $ref = $handler->getReflector();

        // The AttributesResolver object
        $resolver = $handler->getReflector(); 
        // Get previous result
        $result = $handler(...);

Integrate to Any Objects

You can create AttributesResolver in some object to help this object handle attributes, here we use EventDispatcher as example:

use Windwalker\Attributes\AttributesAwareTrait;
use Windwalker\Attributes\AttributesResolver;
use Windwalker\Attributes\AttributeType;
class EventDispatcher 
    use AttributesAwareTrait;
    public function __construct()
    protected function prepareAttributes(AttributesResolver $resolver)
        $resolver->registerAttribute(\ListenerTo::class, AttributeType::METHODS);
        $resolver->setOption('dispatcher', $this);

    public function addListener(callable $callable)
        // Register listener        

    public function subscribe(object $subscriber)

Set object to option, then you can access it in attribute handler:

use Windwalker\Attributes\AttributeHandler;
use Windwalker\Attributes\AttributeInterface;
#[\Attribute(\Attribute::TARGET_METHOD | \Attribute::IS_REPEATABLE)]
class ListenTo implements AttributeInterface
    public function __construct(protected string $event) 
    public function __invoke(AttributeHandler $handler): callable
        return function () use ($handler) {
            $provider = $handler->getResolver()->getOption('dispatcher');
            $listener = $handler();
            return $listener;

Run if Attributes Exists

AttributesResolver provides a simple static methods to run any callback if attribute exists.

use Windwalker\Attributes\AttributesAccessor;
$object = new Foo();
    new ReflectionObject($object), // Send any reflections
    function (SomeAttribute $attr) {
        // Run anything you want
$ref = new ReflectionObject($object);
    $ref->getMethod('foo'), // Send ReflectionMethod
    function (SomeAttribute $attr) {
        // Run anything you want

Available Handling Methods

Method Description
createObject(string $class, ...$args): object Create object by class and decorate it.
decorateObject(object $object): object Decorate an exists object.
call(callable $callable, $args = [], ?object $context = null): mixed Call a callable, this will resolve methods, functions and their parameters.
resolveProperties(object $instance): object Modify object properties values.
resolveMethods(object $instance): object Resolve methods but won't change anything, just call your custom handler.
resolveConstants(object $instance): object Resolve class constants but won't change anything, just call your custom handler.
resolveObjectMembers(object $instance): object This will run resolveProperties(), resolveConstants() and resolveConstants() one time.
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