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Enter Debug Mode

If you need to enter debug mode, such as viewing DB Queries, complete error messages, or want to prevent CSS/JS caching, you can enter debug mode.

The simplest way is to add /dev.php at the end of the website URL.

For example:

In this case, we are using PHP server: http://localhost:8000, we can simply add dev.php after ths host: http://localhost:8000/dev.php

This will enter debug mode.

debug console

When an error occurs, it can also display complete error messages.

error page

Force Debug Mode

Add APP_DEBUG=1 to .env file to force enable debug mode without accessing dev.php.

Web Profiler

Click the debug console at the bottom of page. You will enter the Windwalker Debugger interface.


You can see many profiler data which is collected from Windwalker process, to help you debug or inspect system issues. If you want to see the data from previous actions, go to Dashboard and choose the page data you want.


Debugger Configuration

THe Core Debugger

Open etc/packages/debugger.php to configure debug system, this debug system is provided by windwalker/core package.


Set to true to force disable debug profiler.


To configure how many collected profiler data caches at this project, default is 100.

The Whoops

Windwalker use flip/whoops package to render error page. You can configure whoops through etc/conf/whoops.php:


To configure the editor/IDE software that can open file when you click the file path in error page, you can simply add WHOOPS_EDITOR to .env to override this config.


Default is phpstorm, you may change it to vscode or any editor which supports open by {editor}:// URL scheme.


Whoops will display some sensitive data from your $_SERVER super global variables. This config provides a list to hide these sensitive data.

    // ...

    'hidden_list' => [
        '_ENV' => array_keys($_ENV ?? []),
        '_SERVER' => array_merge(
            array_keys($_ENV ?? [])

Released under the MIT License.