class StringInflector (View source)

Windwalker Framework String Inflector Class

The Inflector transforms words. This class is based on Joomla String package



Protected constructor.

addCountableRule(mixed $data)

Adds a countable word.

addWord(string $singular, string $plural = null)

Adds a specific singular-plural pair for a word.

addPluraliseRule(mixed $data)

Adds a pluralisation rule.

addSingulariseRule(mixed $data)

Adds a singularisation rule.

static StringInflector
getInstance(boolean $new = false)

Gets an instance of the JStringInflector singleton.

isCountable(string $word)

Checks if a word is countable.

isPlural(string $word)

Checks if a word is in a plural form.

isSingular(string $word)

Checks if a word is in a singular form.

toPlural(string $word)

Converts a word into its plural form.

toSingular(string $word)

Converts a word into its singular form.


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Protected constructor.

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StringInflector addCountableRule(mixed $data)

Adds a countable word.


mixed $data A string or an array of strings to add.

Return Value

StringInflector Returns this object to support chaining.

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StringInflector addWord(string $singular, string $plural = null)

Adds a specific singular-plural pair for a word.


string $singular The singular form of the word.
string $plural The plural form of the word. If omitted, it is assumed the singular and plural are identical.

Return Value

StringInflector Returns this object to support chaining.

at line line 282
StringInflector addPluraliseRule(mixed $data)

Adds a pluralisation rule.


mixed $data A string or an array of regex rules to add.

Return Value

StringInflector Returns this object to support chaining.

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StringInflector addSingulariseRule(mixed $data)

Adds a singularisation rule.


mixed $data A string or an array of regex rules to add.

Return Value

StringInflector Returns this object to support chaining.

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static StringInflector getInstance(boolean $new = false)

Gets an instance of the JStringInflector singleton.


boolean $new If true (default is false), returns a new instance regardless if one exists. This argument is mainly used for testing.

Return Value


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boolean isCountable(string $word)

Checks if a word is countable.


string $word The string input.

Return Value

boolean True if word is countable, false otherwise.

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boolean isPlural(string $word)

Checks if a word is in a plural form.


string $word The string input.

Return Value

boolean True if word is plural, false if not.

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boolean isSingular(string $word)

Checks if a word is in a singular form.


string $word The string input.

Return Value

boolean True if word is singular, false if not.

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mixed toPlural(string $word)

Converts a word into its plural form.


string $word The singular word to pluralise.

Return Value

mixed An inflected string, or false if no rule could be applied.

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mixed toSingular(string $word)

Converts a word into its singular form.


string $word The plural word to singularise.

Return Value

mixed An inflected string, or false if no rule could be applied.