class PathLocator implements PathLocatorInterface, IteratorAggregate (View source)

A Path locator class


__construct(string $path)

Constructor to handle path.

redirect(string $path)

Replace with a new path.

getIterator(boolean $recursive = false)

Get file iterator of current dir.

getFolders(boolean $recursive = false)

Get folder iterator of current dir.

getFiles(boolean $recursive = false)

Get file iterator of current dir

findOne(mixed $condition, boolean $recursive = false)

Find one file and return.

find(mixed $condition, boolean $recursive = false)

Find all files which matches condition.

findByCallback(Closure $callback, boolean $recursive = false)

Using a closure function to filter file.


Detect is current path a dir?


Detect is current path a file?


Detect is current path exists?

setPrefix(string $prefix = '')

Set a prefix, when this object convert to string, prefix will auto add to the front of path.

child(string $name)

Get a child path of given name.

parent(boolean $condition = null)

Get a parent path of given condition.

append(string $path)

Append a new path before current path.

prepend(string $path)

Append a new path before current path.

isSubdirOf(string $parent)

Is this path subdir of given path?


Convert this object to string.


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__construct(string $path)

Constructor to handle path.


string $path Path to parse.

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PathLocator redirect(string $path)

Replace with a new path.


string $path Path to parse.

Return Value

PathLocator Return this object to support chaining.

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FilesystemIterator|RecursiveIteratorIterator getIterator(boolean $recursive = false)

Get file iterator of current dir.


boolean $recursive True to resursive.

Return Value

FilesystemIterator|RecursiveIteratorIterator File & dir iterator.

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CallbackFilterIterator getFolders(boolean $recursive = false)

Get folder iterator of current dir.


boolean $recursive True to resursive.

Return Value

CallbackFilterIterator Iterator only include dirs.

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CallbackFilterIterator getFiles(boolean $recursive = false)

Get file iterator of current dir


boolean $recursive True to resursive.

Return Value

CallbackFilterIterator Iterator only include files.

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SplFileInfo findOne(mixed $condition, boolean $recursive = false)

Find one file and return.


mixed $condition Finding condition, that can be a string, a regex or a callback function. Callback example: function($current, $key, $iterator) { return @preg_match('^Foo', $current->getFilename()) && ! $iterator->isDot(); }
boolean $recursive True to resursive.

Return Value

SplFileInfo Finded file info object.

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CallbackFilterIterator find(mixed $condition, boolean $recursive = false)

Find all files which matches condition.


mixed $condition Finding condition, that can be a string, a regex or a callback function. Callback example: function($current, $key, $iterator) { return @preg_match('^Foo', $current->getFilename()) && ! $iterator->isDot(); }
boolean $recursive True to resursive.

Return Value

CallbackFilterIterator Finded files or paths iterator.

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CallbackFilterIterator findByCallback(Closure $callback, boolean $recursive = false)

Using a closure function to filter file.


Closure $callback A callback function to filter file.
boolean $recursive True to recursive.

Return Value

CallbackFilterIterator Filtered file or path iteator.

See also

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boolean isDir()

Detect is current path a dir?

Return Value

boolean True if is a dir.

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boolean isFile()

Detect is current path a file?

Return Value

boolean True if is a file.

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boolean exists()

Detect is current path exists?

Return Value

boolean True if exists.

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PathLocator setPrefix(string $prefix = '')

Set a prefix, when this object convert to string, prefix will auto add to the front of path.


string $prefix Prefix string to set.

Return Value

PathLocator Return this object to support chaining.

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PathLocator child(string $name)

Get a child path of given name.


string $name Child name.

Return Value

PathLocator Return this object to support chaining.

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PathLocator parent(boolean $condition = null)

Get a parent path of given condition.


boolean $condition Parent condition.

Return Value

PathLocator Return this object to support chaining.

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PathLocator append(string $path)

Append a new path before current path.


string $path Path to append.

Return Value

PathLocator Return this object to support chaining.

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PathLocator prepend(string $path)

Append a new path before current path.


string $path Path to append.

Return Value

PathLocator Return this object to support chaining.

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boolean isSubdirOf(string $parent)

Is this path subdir of given path?


string $parent Given path to detect.

Return Value

boolean Is subdir or not.

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string __toString()

Convert this object to string.

Return Value

string Path name.