class Dispatcher implements DispatcherInterface (View source)

The Dispatcher class.


setEvent(EventInterface $event)

Set an event to the dispatcher.

addEvent(EventInterface $event)

Add an event to this dispatcher, only if it is not existing.

hasEvent(EventInterface|string $event)

Tell if the given event has been added to this dispatcher.

getEvent(string $name, mixed $default = null)

Get the event object identified by the given name.

removeEvent(EventInterface|string $event)

Remove an event from this dispatcher.


Get the registered events.


Clear all events.


Count the number of registered event.

addListener(object|Closure $listener, array|integer $priorities = array())

Add a listener to this dispatcher, only if not already registered to these events.

listen(string $event, callable $callable, int $priority = ListenerPriority::NORMAL)


getListenerPriority(object|callable $listener, EventInterface|string $event)

Get the priority of the given listener for the given event.

getListeners(EventInterface|string $event = null)

Get the listeners registered to the given event.

hasListener(object|callable $listener, EventInterface|string $event = null)

Tell if the given listener has been added.

removeListener(object|Closure $listener, EventInterface|string $event = null)

Remove the given listener from this dispatcher.

clearListeners(EventInterface|string $event = null)

Clear the listeners in this dispatcher.

countListeners(EventInterface|string $event)

Count the number of registered listeners for the given event.

triggerEvent(EventInterface|string $event, array $args = array())

Trigger an event.


at line line 48
Dispatcher setEvent(EventInterface $event)

Set an event to the dispatcher.

It will replace any event with the same name.


EventInterface $event The event.

Return Value

Dispatcher This method is chainable.

at line line 64
Dispatcher addEvent(EventInterface $event)

Add an event to this dispatcher, only if it is not existing.


EventInterface $event The event.

Return Value

Dispatcher This method is chainable.

at line line 83
boolean hasEvent(EventInterface|string $event)

Tell if the given event has been added to this dispatcher.


EventInterface|string $event The event object or name.

Return Value

boolean True if the listener has the given event, false otherwise.

at line line 103
EventInterface|mixed getEvent(string $name, mixed $default = null)

Get the event object identified by the given name.


string $name The event name.
mixed $default The default value if the event was not registered.

Return Value

EventInterface|mixed The event of the default value.

at line line 123
Dispatcher removeEvent(EventInterface|string $event)

Remove an event from this dispatcher.

The registered listeners will remain.


EventInterface|string $event The event object or name.

Return Value

Dispatcher This method is chainable.

at line line 145
EventInterface[] getEvents()

Get the registered events.

Return Value

EventInterface[] The registered event.

at line line 157
EventInterface[] clearEvents()

Clear all events.

Return Value

EventInterface[] The old events.

at line line 172
integer countEvents()

Count the number of registered event.

Return Value

integer The number of registered events.

at line line 192
DispatcherInterface addListener(object|Closure $listener, array|integer $priorities = array())

Add a listener to this dispatcher, only if not already registered to these events.

If no events are specified, it will be registered to all events matching it's methods name. In the case of a closure, you must specify at least one event name.


object|Closure $listener The listener
array|integer $priorities An associative array of event names as keys and the corresponding listener priority as values.

Return Value

DispatcherInterface This method is chainable.



at line line 262
DispatcherInterface listen(string $event, callable $callable, int $priority = ListenerPriority::NORMAL)



string $event
callable $callable
int $priority

Return Value


at line line 277
mixed getListenerPriority(object|callable $listener, EventInterface|string $event)

Get the priority of the given listener for the given event.


object|callable $listener The listener.
EventInterface|string $event The event object or name.

Return Value

mixed The listener priority or null if the listener doesn't exist.

at line line 301
object[] getListeners(EventInterface|string $event = null)

Get the listeners registered to the given event.


EventInterface|string $event The event object or name.

Return Value

object[] An array of registered listeners sorted according to their priorities.

at line line 332
boolean hasListener(object|callable $listener, EventInterface|string $event = null)

Tell if the given listener has been added.

If an event is specified, it will tell if the listener is registered for that event.


object|callable $listener The listener.
EventInterface|string $event The event object or name.

Return Value

boolean True if the listener is registered, false otherwise.

at line line 371
Dispatcher removeListener(object|Closure $listener, EventInterface|string $event = null)

Remove the given listener from this dispatcher.

If no event is specified, it will be removed from all events it is listening to.


object|Closure $listener The listener to remove.
EventInterface|string $event The event object or name.

Return Value

Dispatcher This method is chainable.

at line line 407
Dispatcher clearListeners(EventInterface|string $event = null)

Clear the listeners in this dispatcher.

If an event is specified, the listeners will be cleared only for that event.


EventInterface|string $event The event object or name.

Return Value

Dispatcher This method is chainable.

at line line 439
integer countListeners(EventInterface|string $event)

Count the number of registered listeners for the given event.


EventInterface|string $event The event object or name.

Return Value

integer The number of registered listeners for the given event.

at line line 459
EventInterface triggerEvent(EventInterface|string $event, array $args = array())

Trigger an event.


EventInterface|string $event The event object or name.
array $args The arguments to set in event.

Return Value

EventInterface The event after being passed through all listeners.