class AbstractDataMapper implements DataMapperInterface (View source)

Abstract DataMapper.

The class can implement by any database system.




__construct(string $table = null, string $keys = null)

Init this class.

find(mixed $conditions = array(), mixed $order = null, integer $start = null, integer $limit = null)

Find records and return data set.

findAll(mixed $order = null, integer $start = null, integer $limit = null)

Find records without where conditions and return data set.

findOne(mixed $conditions = array(), mixed $order = null)

Find one record and return a data.

findColumn(string $column, mixed $conditions = array(), mixed $order = null, integer $start = null, integer $limit = null)

Find column as an array.

create(mixed $dataset)

Create records by data set.

createOne(mixed $data)

Create one record by data object.

update(mixed $dataset, array $condFields = null, bool $updateNulls = false)

Update records by data set. Every data depend on this table's primary key to update itself.

updateOne(mixed $data, array $condFields = null, bool $updateNulls = false)

Same as update(), just update one row.

updateBatch(mixed $data, mixed $conditions = array())

Using one data to update multiple rows, filter by where conditions.

flush(mixed $dataset, mixed $conditions = array())

Flush records, will delete all by conditions then recreate new.

save(mixed $dataset, array $condFields = null, bool $updateNulls = false)

Save will auto detect is conditions matched in data or not.

saveOne(mixed $data, array $condFields = null, bool $updateNulls = false)

Save only one row.

delete(mixed $conditions)

Delete records by where conditions.

getFields(string $table = null)

Get table fields.


Get table name.

setTable(string $table)

Set table name.


Get data class.

setDataClass(string $dataClass)

Set data class.


Get data set class.

setDatasetClass(string $datasetClass)

Set Data set class.

useTransaction(boolean $yn = null)

To use transaction or not.

triggerEvent(string|Event $event, array $args = array())



Method to get property Dispatcher

setDispatcher(DispatcherInterface $dispatcher)

Method to set property dispatcher

getKeyName(boolean $multiple = false)

Method to get the primary key field name for the table.


Validate that the primary key has been set.


at line line 105
__construct(string $table = null, string $keys = null)

Init this class.

We don't dependency on database in abstract class, that means you can use other data provider.


string $table Table name.
string $keys The primary key, default will be id.



at line line 150
mixed find(mixed $conditions = array(), mixed $order = null, integer $start = null, integer $limit = null)

Find records and return data set.

Example: - $mapper->find(array('id' => 5), 'date', 20, 10); - $mapper->find(null, 'id', 0, 1);


mixed $conditions Where conditions, you can use array or Compare object. Example: - array('id' => 5) => id = 5 - new GteCompare('id', 20) => 'id >= 20' - new Compare('id', '%Flower%', 'LIKE') => 'id LIKE "%Flower%"'
mixed $order Order sort, can ba string, array or object. Example: - id ASC => ORDER BY id ASC - array('catid DESC', 'id') => ORDER BY catid DESC, id
integer $start Limit start number.
integer $limit Limit rows.

Return Value

mixed Found rows data set.

at line line 226
mixed findAll(mixed $order = null, integer $start = null, integer $limit = null)

Find records without where conditions and return data set.

Same as $mapper->find(null, 'id', $start, $limit);


mixed $order Order sort, can ba string, array or object. Example: - 'id ASC' => ORDER BY id ASC - array('catid DESC', 'id') => ORDER BY catid DESC, id
integer $start Limit start number.
integer $limit Limit rows.

Return Value

mixed Found rows data set.

at line line 262
mixed findOne(mixed $conditions = array(), mixed $order = null)

Find one record and return a data.

Same as $mapper->find($conditions, 'id', 0, 1);


mixed $conditions Where conditions, you can use array or Compare object. Example: - array('id' => 5) => id = 5 - new GteCompare('id', 20) => 'id >= 20' - new Compare('id', '%Flower%', 'LIKE') => 'id LIKE "%Flower%"'
mixed $order Order sort, can ba string, array or object. Example: - id ASC => ORDER BY id ASC - array('catid DESC', 'id') => ORDER BY catid DESC, id

Return Value

mixed Found row data.

at line line 307
mixed findColumn(string $column, mixed $conditions = array(), mixed $order = null, integer $start = null, integer $limit = null)

Find column as an array.


string $column The column we want to select.
mixed $conditions Where conditions, you can use array or Compare object. Example: - array('id' => 5) => id = 5 - new GteCompare('id', 20) => 'id >= 20' - new Compare('id', '%Flower%', 'LIKE') => 'id LIKE "%Flower%"'
mixed $order Order sort, can ba string, array or object. Example: - id ASC => ORDER BY id ASC - array('catid DESC', 'id') => ORDER BY catid DESC, id
integer $start Limit start number.
integer $limit Limit rows.

Return Value




at line line 349
mixed create(mixed $dataset)

Create records by data set.


mixed $dataset The data set contains data we want to store.

Return Value

mixed Data set data with inserted id.



at line line 379
mixed createOne(mixed $data)

Create one record by data object.


mixed $data Send a data in and store.

Return Value

mixed Data with inserted id.



at line line 408
mixed update(mixed $dataset, array $condFields = null, bool $updateNulls = false)

Update records by data set. Every data depend on this table's primary key to update itself.


mixed $dataset Data set contain data we want to update.
array $condFields The where condition tell us record exists or not, if not set, will use primary key instead.
bool $updateNulls Update empty fields or not.

Return Value

mixed Updated data set.

at line line 445
mixed updateOne(mixed $data, array $condFields = null, bool $updateNulls = false)

Same as update(), just update one row.


mixed $data The data we want to update.
array $condFields The where condition tell us record exists or not, if not set, will use primary key instead.
bool $updateNulls Update empty fields or not.

Return Value

mixed Updated data.

at line line 482
mixed updateBatch(mixed $data, mixed $conditions = array())

Using one data to update multiple rows, filter by where conditions.

Example: $mapper->updateAll(new Data(array('published' => 0)), array('date' => '2014-03-02')) Means we make every records which date is 2014-03-02 unpublished.


mixed $data The data we want to update to every rows.
mixed $conditions Where conditions, you can use array or Compare object. Example: - array('id' => 5) => id = 5 - new GteCompare('id', 20) => 'id >= 20' - new Compare('id', '%Flower%', 'LIKE') => 'id LIKE "%Flower%"'

Return Value

mixed Updated data set.



at line line 512
mixed flush(mixed $dataset, mixed $conditions = array())

Flush records, will delete all by conditions then recreate new.


mixed $dataset Data set contain data we want to update.
mixed $conditions Where conditions, you can use array or Compare object. Example: - array('id' => 5) => id = 5 - new GteCompare('id', 20) => 'id >= 20' - new Compare('id', '%Flower%', 'LIKE') => 'id LIKE "%Flower%"'

Return Value

mixed Updated data set.

at line line 554
mixed save(mixed $dataset, array $condFields = null, bool $updateNulls = false)

Save will auto detect is conditions matched in data or not.

If matched, using update, otherwise we will create it as new record.


mixed $dataset The data set contains data we want to save.
array $condFields The where condition tell us record exists or not, if not set, will use primary key instead.
bool $updateNulls Update empty fields or not.

Return Value

mixed Saved data set.

at line line 626
mixed saveOne(mixed $data, array $condFields = null, bool $updateNulls = false)

Save only one row.


mixed $data The data we want to save.
array $condFields The where condition tell us record exists or not, if not set, will use primary key instead.
bool $updateNulls Update empty fields or not.

Return Value

mixed Saved data.

at line line 658
boolean delete(mixed $conditions)

Delete records by where conditions.


mixed $conditions Where conditions, you can use array or Compare object. Example: - array('id' => 5) => id = 5 - new GteCompare('id', 20) => 'id >= 20' - new Compare('id', '%Flower%', 'LIKE') => 'id LIKE "%Flower%"'

Return Value

boolean Will be always true.

at line line 773
abstract array getFields(string $table = null)

Get table fields.


string $table Table name.

Return Value


at line line 780
string getTable()

Get table name.

Return Value

string Table name.

at line line 792
AbstractDataMapper setTable(string $table)

Set table name.


string $table Table name.

Return Value

AbstractDataMapper Return self to support chaining.

at line line 870
string getDataClass()

Get data class.

Return Value

string Dat class.

at line line 882
AbstractDataMapper setDataClass(string $dataClass)

Set data class.


string $dataClass Data class.

Return Value

AbstractDataMapper Return self to support chaining.

at line line 894
string getDatasetClass()

Get data set class.

Return Value

string Data set class.

at line line 906
AbstractDataMapper setDatasetClass(string $datasetClass)

Set Data set class.


string $datasetClass Dat set class.

Return Value

AbstractDataMapper Return self to support chaining.

at line line 920
boolean useTransaction(boolean $yn = null)

To use transaction or not.


boolean $yn Yes or no, keep default that we get this value.

Return Value


at line line 938
Event triggerEvent(string|Event $event, array $args = array())



string|Event $event
array $args

Return Value


at line line 966
DispatcherInterface getDispatcher()

Method to get property Dispatcher

Return Value


at line line 988
AbstractDataMapper setDispatcher(DispatcherInterface $dispatcher)

Method to set property dispatcher


DispatcherInterface $dispatcher

Return Value

AbstractDataMapper Return self to support chaining.

at line line 1004
array|mixed getKeyName(boolean $multiple = false)

Method to get the primary key field name for the table.


boolean $multiple True to return all primary keys (as an array) or false to return just the first one (as a string).

Return Value

array|mixed Array of primary key field names or string containing the first primary key field.

at line line 1031
boolean hasPrimaryKey()

Validate that the primary key has been set.

Return Value

boolean True if the primary key(s) have been set.